Why a good logo is important for your business

“Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.”

This quote is the key to why a good logo is important for your business. A logo identifies you; it tells your intended audience who you are; it should explain what you do in a flash. If you have a poorly designed logo, your identity is at risk.

I’ve looked at a lot of logos in my business and there are some terribly awkward ones out there, in my humble opinion.

Is your logo worth a thousand words? If not you may want to rethink how to accurately represent the identity of your business.

To protect your identity, be sure to have a logo design that clearly tells people who you are. If yours needs a redo or you need help creating one, give us a call. Our artists can help you define your business in a way that is attractive, creative and meaningful.

(BTW, the insightful quote at the beginning of the article was spoken by Elastigirl from The Incredibles.)


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