Business Expo and Taste of Conway

Conway Business Expo is fast approaching

It’s that time of year again for the biggest businesses networking opportunity in Conway the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo and Taste of Conway.  This a great opportunity to meet like-minded business owners and the public to connect.  The Taste of Conway always brings the crowd to taste and sample different cuisines in the area. We ALL LOVE some FREE GRUB!! Can I get an AMEN! The Expo takes place on October 11 from 8:00 am to 6:00 PM with Taste of Conway starting at 5:00 pm. CLICK HERE for more details.

Where’s the SWAG??

We know you are going to need some SWAG and we are here to help!!! The Blue Focus is taking EARLY BIRD orders for banners, cards, and any and all promotional products. SAVE 10% when you order in the month of September!!  We will be more than happy to help guide you thru the process of creating the perfect item or items for you to promote your business. Remember from some of the earlier blogs.   I am not just an order taker I am a trained marketing professional with a fancy business degree and 25 years experience. This will be the perfect time to network and grow your business.  Plus I can offer some free advice and tips on making the most out of attending a business expo!!! (Hmmmm I think I should write another blog.) Do you have enough business cards to pass out?? I have a special 500 for 20 BUCKS!! (one-sided high-quality FULL color with artwork ready to go)  WOW, that’s amazing!!


Let’s face it you can never have too many many friends or business acquaintances.  This event only happens once a year, like your birthday, take full advantage of it.  Small investments in promotional items will pay off in the future if done right and at the right time. The Conway Business Expo and taste of Conway is the right time and The Blue Focus is the right place too shop.  I hope to see you there and please bring me a card and say hello.

To SHOP NOW visit my page 


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