Business Card Marketing

Are you really using your business cards for Marketing?….really!!?!

Do you have a business card? How often do you pass it out?  Does it stand out and make a statement? How important is a powerful well-designed business card?  The first interaction most small business owners have with their customers is a business card. Business cards say a lot about you and your business. Make it memorable. Attention to detail is a must. Quadruple check for spelling errors. Make sure your name and contact information is bold and easily read. Don’t be afraid to use images.

A plain card doesn’t promote creativity. Use the colors associated with your business. Have a professional design and build you a logo if you don’t already have one. They are professionals, you wouldn’t try to do surgery yourself, you would see a doctor, a professional. Graphic designers are great at what they do and know what does and doesn’t work. They keep their finger on the pulse of today’s trends to keep you from being outdated. Spend the money on the professionals and the quality of card stock and print. It is worth it. Spend a little and reap the rewards.

Once you have a strong marketing business card pass those babies out like candy!! Give one to everyone you interact with, your dentist, salon professional, the lady you meet while shopping.  You can even leave several on the table of your favorite restaurant.  Yo never know where the cards will end up.

Keep these tips in mind when ordering and using those business cards.  We can order 500 cards for just $20.00 with artwork or can design something fabulous for you starting at just $30.  For more information on marketing and business cards contact Kim Slaughter 501-269-6197.  Send us an email at [email protected] or check us out online at


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