Advertising at 55 MPH

Every year big businesses spend over $35 million on advertising for Nascars. Why, you may wonder? It’s simple: it works! But you have your very own “Nascar” sitting in your driveway. Like Nascar, we understand how important space on vehicles is for advertising. Research shows 96% of people polled feel car graphics are much more effective than billboards. You’re driving all over town anyway: to the grocery store; picking your kids up from school; going out to eat; even, shopping at the mall. So why not advertise at the same time? Having a mobile billboard is much more effective in many ways. You can reach people that you might not reach with a stationary billboard. It’s hard to retain information when you’re driving by at 55 mph; however, someone may be walking by your vehicle while you’re parked at a restaurant, and can notate your phone number, website, or any other contact information you provide for your business. So let your “Nascar” work for you. We offer everything from full wraps to letters on the back of a windshield. Give us a call and we’ll customize something for your budget. For more information, contact Kim Slaughter at 501-269-6197 or [email protected].


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